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Healthy Marriage: Day 21

“Second to God, it is living and loving with the thought in mind and heart that my spouse is never out to intentionally hurt me, vice versa. It’s not easy, yet living and loving with this in mind and heart is worth it, and eliminates many opportunities for marital spats and misunderstanding. It’s much easier starting a conversation and living…

Healthy Marriage: Day 19

“1. Honesty; 2. Always believing you married up (valuing your spouse more than yourself); 3. Putting the kids to bed early so the parents can play too ;)” – Wyatt S. Today’s Featured Couple: Emeka and Chioma EbichiPhoto Cred: Maryna Marston of 2SweetHearts Wedding Photography and Square Earth Studio  Check out this similar post!

Healthy Marriage: Day 18

“Do as much as you can TOGETHER. Eat together, dream together, mourn together, flirt together, go to sleep together, watch movies together, read together, rejoice together. Marriage is about carrying one another, and we can’t carry someone who we aren’t with! It’s easy to be an individual in our modern world. It’s very hard to live alongside one another and…

Healthy Marriage: Day 16

“…One thing that has helped mine and Nate’s marriage to stay healthy is to believe the best about each other rather than assume the worst. Trying to look at his heart because of course sometimes we all miss with communication, so looking at his heart and believing the best about his actions and intentions has been very helpful to us.”…